Swish (only possible in Sweden)

Make a donation via Swish to: 123 900 12 15

*Please note that we cannot accept personalized messages or handle celebratory or memorial gifts through Swish. All contributions sent through Swish will be handled as a regular donation.


Click on button below to donate through PayPal.


Bankgiro 900-1215
Plusgiro 90 01 21-5

IBAN SE65 9500 0099 6018 0900 1215.

Nordea Bank AB
SE-105 71 Stockholm

Payment forms can be found at the post office or your bank, or you can donate online via internet banking.

Support us as a donor

Together we can make a real difference in the lives of Assyrians in need. Even a small donation goes a long way in helping us help those who need it. You can contribute to our organization in multiple ways; here we can help you find what works best for you.

Become a member

As a member of Assyrians Without Borders, you contribute to ensure our organization’s survival, which allows us to continue providing aid to Assyrians in need. It is easy to become a member and only costs 100 SEK per year. Your membership also helps draw attention to the Assyrians as well as their rights in their countries of origin. Being a member also gives you voting rights at annual meetings.

The membership fee can be paid via PlusGiro 90 01 21-5 or BankGiro 900-1215. It is important to add a note designating this as a membership fee, along with your social security number. If your bank allows more characters, you can note your name and address as well. If the payment is not specified as a membership it will be treated as a donation.

Set up a reoccurring donation through AutoGiro

One of the most popular ways to donate is to do so on a regular basis. This way you contribute in the long term, which in turn gives greater opportunities to improve the quality of life of Assyrians in need. You determine the amount you’d like to donate every month (minimum 50 SEK), and it is transferred to Assyrians Without Borders without you having to lift a finger.

give monthly Print the form

Donations from abroad?

Do you want to donate to Assyrians Without Borders but live abroad?
You can always donate using the bank information below. If you are interested in donating on a regular basis, contact your bank to see what options you have to do that.

Nordea Bank AB
SE-105 71 Stockholm
IBAN SE65 9500 0099 6018 0900 1215.


Gifts in celebration or memory of someone

A gift in celebration brings twice the joy! Weddings, birthdays, christenings and anniversaries are all occasions to celebrate, and if you would like to do something extra special, you can make a donation in someone’s name that will help Assyrians in in their countries of origin. We will send a personalized gift letter to the recipient you name.

A gift in memory can be given to honor the memory of a loved one who has passed as well as bring consolation in a time of grief, knowing the donation helps Assyrians in need. We will send a personalized thank you letter to your loved one’s family.

If you are interested in either of these options, you can make the donation to Assyrians Without Borders via PlusGiro 90 01 21-5 or BankGiro 900-1215 and state “Gift in celebration/memory of (name)” in the message. Then email info@awbswe.com with the following information:

1. The amount you have wired
2. In whose name you are making the donation
3. Name and address of the recipient of the letter
4. Your personalized message to the recipient of the letter
5. If you would like the letter to reach the recipient by a certain date

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