Hundratals assyriska familjer har flytt från Khabour i Syrien – uppdaterad kl. 18:30


Latest report from Syria:

Out of Khabour’s 1200 to 1300 Assyrian households, our partner organisation just confirmed that up until now 350 families have taken refuge in Hassake and 100 in Qamishli, the number though is constantly increasing. In Hassake most families have taken refuge in the locals of the Assyrian Church diocese and in Qamishli most are sheltered in empty houses managed by our partner organisation Syria Mother Youth Caucus.

Our partners confirm the death of one soldier that fought alongside Assyrian defence forces but no other casualties can be confirmed for the moment. We can also confirm that the village of Tel Shamiram where 40 families live, i.e. around 200 men, women and children, is under the siege of ISIS. 2 young women and 4 young men are captured inside the village of Tel Hermez which also is under siege. Their faith is unknown for now. The Church of Qabr Shamie has been burnt down as well as another church in yet another village of Khabour.

Our partners cannot confirm for sure whether there are any forces left on the ground defending the villages of Khabour but they suspect that the Kurdish and the Assyrian forces have backed out. The Syrian national forces and the local Kurdish forces have increased their presence in Hassake and Qamishli where the situation is considered stable for the moment.

The displaced people of Khabour are flowing in to both Hassake and Qamishli and their most urgent need consists of shelter, food and water. Other needs such as clothing, hygiene products, heaters and blankets are continually assessed as the flow of people keeps increasing. An urgent relief action with Assyrians Without Borders and its partner organisations in Hassake and Qamishli consisting first and foremost of food and water is unfolding as we speak.


At least 400 families are reported displaced in Hassake and 200 in Qamishli. Our partners work together with the bus company Al Rafedein to transport refugee families from Khabour to Qamishli. The families that have been taken in by our partners have received food, water and shelters but their number and the need for relief keeps on increasing.

The faith of the women, men and children of Tel Shamiram and Tel Hermez is still unknown.

Our partners report that the fighting in Khabour is on hold for the moment and they still cannot confirm more casualties among Assyrian defenders. At this point, the Kurdish forces are present in Tel Tamer only.


I korthet kan läget för assyrierna i Khabour sammanfattas enligt följande.

Av 1 200 – 1 300 assyriska familjer i Khabour har ca 350  familjer flytt till Hassake och ca 100 till Qamishli. De som har flytt till Hassakeh har tagit sin tillflykt till en kyrka, medan de som har flytt till Qamishli har fått tillgång till tomma hus via Assyrier Utan Gränsers andra partnerorganisation i Syrien, Syria Mother Youth Caucus.

En assyrisk soldat har bekräftats ha dött. I byn Tel Shamiram där ca 40 familjer (ca 200 män, kvinnor och barn) har tagits tillfånga av IS. Två unga kvinnor och fyra män är kvar i byn. Qabr Shamiekyrkan har bränts ner och likaså ytterligare en kyrka i en annan by.

Vår kontaktperson kan inte bekräfta om det finns några militärstyrkor kvar som försvarar byar i Khabour. Syriska och kurdiska styrkor i Hassake och Qamishli har minskat till antalet eftersom situationen anses vara stabilt i dessa städer.

Det som de assyriska flyktingarna i första hand har behov av är tak över huvudet, mat och vatten. Assyrier Utan Gränser arbetar för fullt med en akutaktion för att ge hjälp till assyrierna som har tvingats återigen att fly från sina hem.


Bilden ska vara då Qabr Shamiekyrkan brändes ner….